Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I've made it safely to Hawaii! I'm moved in and settling quickly. I arrived on the beautiful island of Oahu early yesterday afternoon after spending a trecherous 14 hours in airports and on a stuff plane. The plane ride really is long, boring, and exhausting. Yesterday was amazing though.
Tim picked met me at the baggage claim with a pretty dark purple live orhchid lai, carried all of my extremely heavy suitcases to the car and then we headed to my new home. After unpacking most of my belongings we headed to one of our local surf breaks, Barber's Point, and I jumped into the teal blue Pacific for the first time ever. Quite a spectacular feeling. The beaches here are like none that I've ever seen before. I can't wait to post pictures for you! (I took a bunch already... except I apparently forgot to pack the cable that connects my camera to my laptop. Guess I'll have to pick one of those up today. Oops.)

Headed into Waikiki and downtown Honolulu for a delicious dinner at a place called the Yard House. Seems as though they're located throughout the West Coast and being from the East Coast, I've never heard of the establishment before. Enjoyed a delicious dinner and then went for a stroll downtown at the beach walk.
It's so refreshing. Being somewhere new. Somewhere where I want to learn as much about the culture, surroundings, lifestyle, and region as I can. I want to learn everything so quickly but I know it will take a little time. Ambitious about my new home, that's for sure.

In other good news... my parents are coming to visit tomorrow! I just left them yesterday and am already looking forward to their visit to the islands. Thank you to everyone who has left me kind, supportive words over the past few days. It truly means the world to me that have so many wonderful people as my support system. I'm going to post tons of pictures over the next few weeks so keep checking back for updates!

1 comment:

birdhouse productions said...

So excited for you Ami!!! Best wishes <3