4.) Alex Madonna's Gold Rush looks just devine! Pink everything while eating great food... sounds like the perfect dining experience.
5.) Bread and Badger pint glasses! In honor of Saint Patrick's Day... I'd obviously have to have the mermaid so no one would accidentaly steal my pint!
6.) Stamping my already gross, yet most comfortable, painting clothes with my name. When I'm exhausted and in a crafting craze its okay to craft yourself, right?

7.) Lipstick Queen lip glosses! These are, no lie, the BEST lip glosses I have ever used. I scooped some up off of the sale rack at Anthro the last time I was in Annapolis. They are lightweight, deliver mega color, and pocket sized, and last a relatively long time. I highly recommend!

8.) Isn't this China tea wear lamp just darling? Saw the DIY on DesignSponge and am going to start collecting teacups ASAP... I can't drill through any of my collection now seeing as I love each cup so much! This could be a problem considering I fall in love with every dainty teacup I see.
9.) I'm going to buy these the next time I'm in Lancaster and stop at my favorite store, Mommalicious. These cute thimble earrings are made my My Aunt Debbie. Great gift for the seamstress in your life! (hint, hint)
10.) This beehive stained glass window. It's delicate and lovely! I look at it every time I go to my bank in Berlin, MD. Apparently these windows are original to the building and are from 1943. Pretty neat, right?
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