2.) These two: Mr. & Mrs. Mucek! My beautiful and fun-loving cousin, Ashley, got married to Darek last weekend. Currently, they're basking in the sun in the tropics on their honeymoon. Congratulations, and thank you for letting me be part of your humongous day! Love you.
3.) Mumford & Sons. I... seriously... cannot... get... enough! Their CD has been traveling with me from the car, to the kitchen CD player, to my iTunes, to my iPod, and back to the car. Can't stop listening! Scott, my punk-rock-loving boyfriend is so sick of hearing bluegrass music that he could throw up. Love me some Mumford & Sons!
4.) My bombshell of a girl friend, Page! Happy birthday to one of the most loyal friends, funnest coworker, and greatest advice-giver I know! You're a wonderful friend, mother...and painter. Love 'ya, Page!
5.) This adorable little doodle-bug, Sandi. She loves going to the beach and splashing in the ocean water (even if the water temperature is still under 50 degrees). It makes me happy to see her so happy.
6.) These pretty little "profiles in chocolate". These lovelies are candies! I'll be on the look-out for some of these fancy chocolate molds. (Source.) 7.) This comfy, cozy bed. I think it looks dreamy... like you could cuddle up in it during the day (when you're writing from home instead of going to the office). (Source.)
8.) Vintage suitcase storage! I've been collecting pretty vintage suitcases and would LOVE to have this many. They'd be perfect for storing my winter sweaters and super-thick socks in during the summer months. (Source.)
9.) Guacamole. Goodness, I love it. I've been on a quac binge. It's delicious made with an always changing spicy flavor. I made some mean quac last night. Holy guacamole!
10.) Cold, windy, but sunny days on the beach... especially with this hot-shot and some coffee.
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