Monday, April 30, 2012

Mount Gretna

Went on a little adventure this weekend. An adventure that included staying at my parents place... a place that I once despised. I was so anxious to get out of Central Pennsylvania when I was younger. Now, I love going back to visit. It's a refreshing change. I love living ocean side, but there's nothing quite like seeing mountains and rugged terrain.

I scooped up the 'doodle dog and the boyfriend and we spent some time relaxing with my folks, my sister, and some great friends. A very nice getaway.

Sunday was spent getting lost in the woods. I took this studly fellow in the blue flannel to Governor Dick - yes, that's the real name of the park. This park is notorious for it's 7 story lookout tower that dates back to the early 1900's. It's placed centrally between 2 counties and several towns/cities. A fun few miles in the 70 degree sun.
Hope you had a lovely weekend. Monday was a tough day back in the office. Here's hoping that Tuesday is a little easier (and every day thereafter until Friday). Am I the only one who lives for the weekend?

1 comment:

Jillian McGrath said...

You two are so adorable! It was great to see you both and you check our your little adventure :)