Sunday, March 11, 2012


Right now, I'm stuck at an airport outside of New York City. Trying to travel home from a trip to Wisconsin. My plane from New Jersey to Baltimore was delayed 3 hours... Plenty of time to blog from my iPhone. (I'm currently trying to figure out why I haven't purchased an iPad yet. I might do that while I wait at this airport gate.)

Wisconsin was lovely. Jam-packed. Beautiful. A change a scenery.

I went to visit my gracious cousin, Ashley. She's 6-months pregnant with her first child and my first Godson. It was amazing to see her protruding belly and feel a few flutter-like kicks from the growing baby.

After tons of catching up, thrift shopping, cheese eating (I was in Wisconsin. I couldn't help it.), site seeing, baby shower throwing, and visiting family - Ashley and I woke up at the crack of dawn and did a little photoshoot.

I'm a hobby photographer. Not a professional. But thought it would be fun to take some pictures of her ever expanding stomach so she could remember her days of being preggers. I think they turned out quite lovely.

Enjoy these photos while I try to find a place to cozy up in this airport for another 2 hours.

Ashley, thanks for having me over for a few days. Being around you, Darek, your friends, and my Polish family was refreshing. I can't wait for your little man to arrive. I will spoil him, come to visit often, and teach him how to make lots of cool things. Congratulations! I love you.

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