1.) These gorgeous bra and underpants sets from La Gagarconne. They're so nice! I'm a sucker for pretty undergarments. It's actually an addiction almost. Overflowing underwear drawer in my dresser. I wish that I could justify $95 for a brassier and $85 for some knickers though. I'll stick to pretty lacey things from the Vanity Fair Outlet that only cost $1.50 a pair!
2.) How's this for a Spring Collection premier?! I love it!
3.) This 1950's red and white party dress is for sale at Mommalicious! I'm planning on trying it on the next time I head to Pennsylvania to visit my parents and MU. Such a pretty dress. Perfect for date night with a special someone.
4.) Betsey Johnson makes my heart melt. I adore so many of her designs and prints! Would love to add this Terrace Party Dress to my closet collection.
5.) Remember this stuff?? Orbitz. I used to love it when my mother would pack in in my lunchbox in elementary school. It was delicious, funky, and fun. Too bad they stopped making it. Dratts. What I wouldn't do for a bottle now.
6.) Doris Day used to dye her poodles differnt colors based on her mood. She had 6 poodles. Love that! Think I could dye a labradoodle pink? Sandi would probably hate it. Her favorite color is swampy, bay water, greenish grey... especially after a day swimming in the water.
7.) I keep stumbling upon this fun western-inspired bikini while browsing for new swimsuits online. I'm holding off on ording it in hopes that it goes on sale.
8.) The Satorialist posted this picture today. Scooter girls rock my world. Warm weather cannot come fast enough. I want to break out my cute little scoot-mobile.
9.) Is it sad that I'm 24-years-old and still adore the Olsen twins? These gals have a great sense of style! Amazing. I guess I did sort of grow up with them, that justifies it, right? This picture is so perfect.
10.) I really love it when I come home early from work because I'm sick (go away bronchitis!) and see this. I guess they were feeling extra snuggly today. That's Sandi's hand-made doggie bed - found the vintage fabric at a thift store. Slater has his own bed. Only bad thing about this day? You see that little plastic dish to the left of the dog pillow? That's a butter dish. It was filled with butter before I left for work this morning. A little labradoodle must have been counter-surfing.. for butter.
11.) I had to add and eleventh love... for the woman who said, "I've been through it all, baby, I'm Mother Courage." RIP Elizabeth Taylor.

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