Monday, March 26, 2012

Borrowed Event Preview: Part 3

As my public debut as a professional in the wedding industry is growing near! 

Each of these hand-made hair pieces will be for sale at Borrowed Event on April 1st. My lovely friend, Diana, was gracious enough to model my wares for me last week. Doesn't she look stunning?! I'm happy to have finally added a blonde to my collection of Little Miss Lovely models. :)

I spotted this location while cruising through the country not too long ago. So pretty. I'm still really excited about how great these photos turned out.

Thank you, Diana, for posing, dealing with slugs, bugs, and itchy yellow flowers. You are a trooper and one of the best friends a girl could have.

Later this week, I'll be posting some photos from this same shoot - but from a different photographer. Ocean City local, Chris Maust, was along on this journey. He has a high-contrast style of shooting and his photos turned out completely different than this set by me. So neat to see different perspectives of the same view. 

We hit up a different location, too... More to come :)

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